Miss Unity Society

Miss Unity Society

The Miss Unity Society, launched in 2024 in honor of UFDC's 75th anniversary, is the organization's sustainer giving program.

Miss Unity Society

By becoming part of the Miss Unity Society, members, clubs, business and organizations not only contribute to the ongoing success of UFDC, but also join a prestigious philanthropic circle. This is an opportunity to make a lasting impact on UFDC's mission.

Miss Unity Society

As a sustainer, you have the flexibility to choose the amount you wish to give each month and the date of your contribution. If you join online via the UFDC website, this amount is automatically and conveniently transferred to UFDC through a credit card payment, or via a direct debit from your bank account, making your support hassle-free. You can "set it and forget it." Signing up is quick, easy - you set a start date (you can also set an end date or leave that blank) and if you want to subsequently change your regular gift amount, payment date, or opt out, you can do so any time by contacting the UFDC office. You can also join by completing the relevant form and mailing it to UFDC Headquarters (this option gives you the added option of making your donations by check).

Individuals who sign up as sustainers receive an exclusive Miss Unity Society pin, an official Miss Unity Society notebook, and celebration stickers. Clubs, businesses and organizations are acknowledged in person at UFDC's annual convention and are thanked with a personalized certificate. They are also given the opportunity to include their sustainer status as part of their name. All sustainers at every level are acknowledged - with their permission - on the UFDC website, in all issues of DOLL NEWS, and in the annual convention souvenir journal. Individuals who sign up in the first year and clubs, businesses, and organizations who sign up in the first two years will be given "Charter Member" status and will receive special recognition.

Please join the Miss Unity Society today at a level that is comfortable for you, your club, business, or organization. For more information about the Miss Unity Society, please review the Miss Unity Society Q & A or contact UFDC's Financial Manager at accounting@ufdc.org.

Your Generosity Shapes Our Future

Every donation, big or small, helps preserve the art of doll collecting for generations to come.

United Federation of Doll Clubs

The United Federation of Doll Clubs (UFDC) is a non-profit organization with the goal of being the foremost in research, education, conservation, collecting, and appreciation of dolls.

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    M - F   9:00am - 5:00pm

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    10900 N Pomona Ave.
    Kansas City, MO 64153

Due to the spike in COVID, the UFDC Headquarters and Museum remain closed until further notice.
